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Estadisticas de enlaces

-post/mes_agosto septiembre
-comentario:4 mas algunos borrados
-imagenes publicas:6
-visitas: (lo estoy poniendo)
-weblogs enlazados:11
-enlaces en general:5


Aca estamos de vuelta escribiendoles a todos ustedes... Gracias por los muchos comentarios y mensajes que nos han llegado luego de nuestra ultima carta. Tambien les queremos agraceder al profe, que aunque aun seguimos intentando de descifrar como se hacen esos botones de enlace y el contador de visitas, todavia nos hace el aguante!!.Sobre todo le agradecemos muchisimo POR APROBARNOS EL TRIMESTRE!!!, eso si, tiene que corregir esas pruebas profe...We tiene tiempo todavia, no se aflija,despues del viaje queremos ver esas notas!! jajaja!:D
Lucia: Por mi parte quiero agradecer a mi papucho que opino del weblog, grax pa!;), tambien a todos los chicos que, aunque ni la menor idea tenemos de quienes son??, les agradecemos por las opiniones, aunque habian unos cuantos que estaban un poco perdidos: ESTE ES UN WEBLOG DE "BRITNEY SPEARS" NO DE "AMY LEE" (que aprendan a leer antes de comentar :p) y agradezco a Pamela que me ayudo muchisimo para hacer el blog, grax Pame TKM!!jeje Saludos a todos!! sigan dejando komentarios!!!;)

Britney aclara todo en Revista OK

En la reciente entrevista con la revista OK! Britney declara su deseo de meterse mas en las actualizaciones de su club de fans y su website. Britney esta poniendo los toques finales en un post exclusivo para el sitio del club de fans el cuál se actualizará en los proximos días. Tambien habla del deseo de tener un hijo y mucho más.. Aqui esta la entrevista de la Revista OK!:

Estas embarazada?
Britney: No, no que yo sepa. Tengo un par de cosas que quiero hacerme cargo en este año antes de tener un bebé. Me gustaría tener un hijo pero tengo ciertas cosas que hacer antes de eso.
Qué quieres hacer?
Britney: Ya verás. Si no te importa lee una columna en mi sitio esta semana porque yo escribí una carta a todos mis fans que creo que la necesitan leer. La vamos a poner en el sitio. Se llama 'La carta de la Verdad: Espero que puedan soportala'. Es la carta mas asombrosa que he escrito. Hubo un cambio de vida para mi y quiero que mis fans lo sepan. Cuándo escribiste la carta?
Kevin: Diario en la última semana y media
Britney: Me siento que estoy en Harvard!
El sitio continuará?
Britney: Si, y en lugar de que mi mamá escriba algo cada semana, yo lo haré cada semana. Marcará en donde estoy en mi vida en estos momentos. Se esta haciendo un encierro con muchas cosas y creo que es mi verdad. Yo la escribo para mis fans, ellos necesitan leerlo. Explicará cualquier pregunta que ellos se hallan formulado, explicará todo. Andaba vacilante al principio. Vi un juego en NY llamado 'Wicked' - me inspiró para escribir. Fue un juego muy asombroso. Cambió mi vida.
Qué tan diferente la vida de escenario?
Britney: Siento que es el empiezo. Siento que todos estamos aqui para encontrar nuestra ultimada verdad. Y como humanos, eso es todo lo que queremos hacer y tratar de hacerlo posible cada día. Pienso que el miedo y el no creer en ti mismo como niño es la peor cosa que puedas hacer. Eso es la razón por la que pasó mucho tiempo con esta pequeña niña [Kori], ella me ha hecho ver la vida diferente y a ver la maternidad y la manera en como quiero criar a mis hijos. Amo a los niños.
Dejarás de presentarte? Britney: No podría hacer eso nunca porque amo lo que hago. Me gustaría estar basada en un lugar y tener las cosas de los negocios en orden antes de tener un hijo. Las cosas serán sobre mis términos con todo. He estado de tour desde que tenía 16 años - es difícil mantener ese ritmo. Es genial que haya pasado porque me ha hecho darme cuenta que las cosas tienen que cambiar. Me he dado cuenta que he crecido, soy una mujar y las cosas solo deben de ser diferentes. Quiero ser una mamá joven. Se lo que quiero. Amo a los niños. Siento pena por los hombres a veces porque nosotras experimentamos algo que crece dentro de nosotros. Después sale. Damos vida. Que milagro! La cosa mas hermosa en la vida es crear. Ya puedo vernos como padres. Ya me puedo ver como mamá. El próximo año, a los 23 años, estoy ahi.

Nueva carta de Britney a sus numerosos fans del mundo...

Es obvio que traducimos esta carta para su facilidad al leerla :
Queridos Fans:

Ahora es mi turno de comenzar a escribir más a menudo y como me sea posible en esta columna. La razón es para que pueda hablar más directamente con ustedes, mis fans quienes están pegados a mi y continúan apoyándome. Tampoco, voy a estar tan ocupada como mi Mamá. ¡Ella está corriendo como loca detrás de mi hermana! Yo también voy a irme por algún tiempo para disfrutar la vida. He aprendido a decir "NO" Con esta libertad que recientemente encontré, es como la gente a mi alrededor que no saben como actuar ¿Debemos hablar como cuándo tenia 16 o como el Icono que todos decimos que es?... ¡Mi prerogative esta ahora algo frío y permite que todas las otras rubias sobre expuestas aparezcan en la portada del US Weekly... Las GOOD LUCK GIRLS!! Siento que pareciera como mi vida estaba en lo mas alto los últimos 2 años, probablemente es porque ERA! Ahora entiendo lo que quieren decir cuando hablan sobre las estrellas que aun son unos niños. Yendo y yendo y yendo es todo lo que yo tengo en la vida desde que tenía 15 años. Es sorprendente como los consejeros te empujarán hacerlo, aun cuando toman a una joven chica rubia e ingenua y la coloca una en la portada de cada revista.

Ahora que mi rodilla se lesiono en el verano pasado, no tuve ninguna opción más que parar. Mi cuerpo se estaba agotando y necesitaba el resto. Es cómico ver cómo el hombre escala con trabajo. Ahora tengo que seguir -- Realmente quiero ver "Saved" con Mandy Moore y ver de nuevo Sex And The City. Quiero disfrutar todas las cosas simples que extrañé durante los últimos años debido a la manera activa de trabajo que tenia.

¡Estar casada es GRANDIOSO y no puedo esperar para empezar con mi familia! Hay tantas cosas que cambiaron de ahora en adelante... no sólo conmigo, en el mundo también. Así, la próxima vez vean mi cara, oigan una de mis canciones o aun cuando yo sea el tema de su próxima conversación, recuerden que los tiempos están cambiando y así soy yo.

Siempre con Amor,

Traduccion de Lucia Rodriguez Gimenez Y Pamela B. Cuadrado
(dejen comentarios opinando acerca de la carta)

Subastan prendas íntimas que Britney Spears usó en su boda

El polémico matrimonio de Britney Spears con el bailarín Kevin Federline sigue haciendo noticia. Esta vez porque las ropas íntimas que la cantante usó el día de su boda han sido puestas en subasta por el sitio web EBay.

El diario británico The Sun señaló que las prendas son unas pantaletas y unos sostenes blancos que habrían sido tomados por uno de los asistentes que trabajaron en los preparativos de la fiesta matrimonial, realizada hace poco más de dos semanas en Los Angeles. Uno de ellos incluso aseguró tener algunos de los pases exclusivos entregados para la ocasión, a fin de probar que realmente trabajó en el evento.

Si lo de las prendas íntimas puestas a la venta suena insólito, no se compara a lo que ocurrió hace unos días, cuando el mismo sitio de internet puso en su vitrina unos chicles que habrían sido masticados por la popular intérprete.

Britney Spears se casó sorpresivamente a mediados de septiembre, en una decisión que habría "aterrado" a su madre, quien pensaba que el enlace se celebraría más adelante tal como se acordó inicialmente.

Las fotografías de la ceremonia -que habría sido sólo simbólica y no legal- fueron publicadas hace unos días por la revista People.

Lucia Rodriguez Gimenez y Pamela B. Cuadrado

Algunas Direciones utiles de como hacerte miembro de estos clubes

The Official Britney Spears Fan Club

Fan Club BritneyMania

Para fans en todo Chile y Latinoamérica, para Fans hasta 16 años.
Presidenta: Javiera Díaz
Vice - Presidenta: Lorena Avaria


Britney´s World Fan Club

Club de Fan oficial en Venezuela de Britney Spears.
Presidenta: Rita Nureña


Esclavos X Britney

Presidenta: Maribel

Esclavos X Britney es un grupo de yahoo dedicado 100% a Britney Spears, en tu email recibes siempre lo ultimo en fotos y noticias, tambien encontraras en el grupo mas de 500 fotos, mp3, wallpapers, letras y traduccion de canciones, archivos, midis, videos, podras hacer amigos con tu mismo interes hacia ella y mucho mas.(recomendado)


MixBritney es una lista (o grupo) donde los miembros intercambian noticias, fotos y comentarios sobre Britney Spears. Es como un club de fans online que agrupa a los fans de habla hispana. Los miembros pueden enviar mails libremente, que son enviados automaticamente a todos los demás. Basicamente se habla sobre Britney.

El mes pasado se enviaron 300 e-mails, lo que lo convierte en uno de los grupos más activos de Internet. Hay más de 350 miembros pero momentaneamente debido a problemas en Yahoo Groups hay muchísimos miembros rechazando correo y por ese motivo no aparecen en la lista de miembros.

La dirección de la página de la lista es

También existe el sitio web que está por incorporar muchas mejoras como un buscador, foro, acordes para guitarra y algunas cosas más.(recomendado)

Grupo Britney Spears Venezuela
La dirección de la página es:

si tenes entre 12-17 años podes ser parte de nuestro club:
solo tenes que mandar un mail a nustra casilla de correo:


Escribir a

Presidenta: Yenny Cristina Grisales, Medellin, Colombia.

Britney Spears la chica sexy

Escribir a

Presidenta: Cristhian Ortiz* (tel: 4617490)
te divertiras
BRITNEY diosa de la belleza=)


Si queres ser miembra/o del Mejor Club de Fans de Britney en Argentina.
Entra a y encontraras toda la info sobre el club.
Y escribenos a con tus datos y te enviaremos la Invitaciòn al club.

De verdad no te lo puedes perder.(recomendado)

Fan Club Oficial de Britney Spears en Chile

Este fans club requiere de un rango de edad entre los 12 y 18 años.

fans club oficial

La Princesa Spears

luz lizcano, presidenta
andrea lizcano, vicepresidenta

el e-mail del club de fans online es

club slaves 4 britney mexico
presidente: Morales Partida Marcos
site quieres integrar escrive a :

The Slaves

Club Peruano creado para todos los verdaderos fans de Britney de toda edad! sexo y condicion
Requisito: Desear ser un esclavo por Britney; atrevete tu tambien
Presidente:Enrique Velarde


Brit y sus grabaciones como artista!!

(En Produccion) (2000s) (1990s)

Door to Door (2004) (en produccion) .... Tobi
In the Pink (2004) (anunciada)
Legend of the Lost Tribe (2002) (TV) (voice: US version) .... Donner
Crossroads (2002) .... Lucy
Longshot (2000) .... Flight Attendant
Hooves of Fire (1999) (TV) (voice: US version) .... Donner


Ruthless (1992) - Tina

Miscellaneous Crew
(2000s) (1990s)

Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) (singer: "Boys")
Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2001) (singer: "Intimidated")
Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas (2001) (TV) (artist: Dream Within a Dream tour personnel)
Pokémon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back (1999) (singer: "Soda Pop")
Drive Me Crazy (1999) (singer: "(You Drive Me) Crazy")
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996) (TV) (singer: "Soda Pop") (uncredited)


Brave New Girl (2004) (TV) (executive producer) (producer)
In the Zone (2003) (TV) (executive producer)
Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas (2001) (TV) (executive producer)
'N Sync & Britney Spears: Your #1 Video Requests... And More! (2000) (V) (executive producer)


Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2001) (song "Intimidated")
On the Line (2001) (song "Let Me Be")

(2000s) (1990s) (1980s)

Freestyle (with Brian Friedman) (2004) (V) .... Special appearance
46th Annual Grammy Awards, The (2004) (TV) .... Herself
31st Annual American Music Awards, The (2003) (TV) .... Herself/Performer
In the Zone (2003) (TV) .... Herself
Fromage 2003 (2003) (TV) .... Herself
Osbourne Family Christmas Special, The (2003) (TV) .... Herself
Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2003 (2003) (TV) .... Herself (greetings for the show)
2003 NFL Kickoff Concert (2003) (TV) .... Herself
MTV Video Music Awards 2003 (2003) (TV) .... Herself/Performer
Teen Choice Awards 2003, The (2003) (TV) .... Herself
E! 101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment History (2003) (TV) .... Herself
MTV Bash: Carson Daly (2003) (TV) .... Herself
Pepsi More Music: The DVD Volume 1 (2003) (V) .... Herself (song "I Love Rock N Roll")
50 Sexiest Video Moments (2003) (TV) .... Herself
30th Annual American Music Awards, The (2003) (TV) .... Herself
Elvis Lives (2002) (TV) .... Herself
MTV Video Music Awards 2002 (2002) (TV) .... Herself
Teen Choice Awards 2002, The (2002) (TV) .... Herself/Presenter
Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) .... Herself
Summer Music Mania 2002 (2002) (TV) .... Herself
Britney's Dance Beat (2002) (VG) .... Herself
Britney: The Videos (2001) (V) .... Herself
Total Britney Live (2001) (TV) .... Herself
Teen Choice Awards 2001, The (2001) (TV) .... Herself
Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas (2001) (TV) .... Herself
Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration (2001) (TV) .... Herself
MTV Video Music Awards 2001 (2001) (TV) .... Herself - Performer
There's Only One Madonna (2001) (TV) .... Herself
Britney Spears Live and More! (2001) (V) .... Herself
... aka Britney Spears In Hawaii: Live and More! (2001) (V) (USA)
MTV Icon: Janet Jackson (2001) (TV) .... Herself
Super Bowl XXXV Halftime Show (2001) (TV) .... Herself
28th Annual American Music Awards, The (2001) (TV) .... Herself/Host
Britney in Hawaii (2000) (TV) .... Herself
"Dale's All Stars" (2000) TV Series .... Herself
MTV Video Music Awards 2000 (2000) (TV) .... Herself/Performer
'N Sync & Britney Spears: Your #1 Video Requests... And More! (2000) (V) .... Herself
Smash Hits 2000 (2000) (TV) .... Herself
2000 Billboard Music Awards, The (2000) (TV) .... Herself
Britney Spears: There's No Place Like Home (2000) (TV) .... Herself
2000 Much Music Video Music Awards (2000) (TV) .... Herself
2000 MTV Movie Awards (2000) (TV) .... Herself
Britney Live (2000) (TV) .... Herself/Performer
Britney Spears In Concert (1999) (TV) .... Herself
Britney Spears: 'Star Baby' Scrapbook (1999) (V) .... Herself
L'Oreal Summer Music Mania (1999) (TV) .... Herself - Performer: 'Baby, One More Time, ' 'Sometimes'
MTV Video Music Awards 1999 (1999) (TV) .... Herself
Time Out with Britney Spears (1999) (V) .... Herself
MTV Europe Music Awards 1999 (1999) (TV) .... Herself/Performer
TV Hits Awards 1999 (1999) (TV) .... Herself
"MMC" (1989) TV Series .... Herself (Seasons 6-7)

Apariciones en Television

"Celebrities Uncensored" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) (episode # 2.6) 24 March 2004
"Real Access" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) in episode: "Blonde Ambition" (episode # 1.10) 12 March 2004
"Celebrities Uncensored" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) (episode # 2.5) 10 March 2004
"Top of the Pops Saturday" (2003) playing "Herself" 28 February 2004
"GMTV" (1993) playing "Herself" 26 February 2004
"Celebrities Uncensored" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) (episode # 2.3) 25 February 2004
"Celebrities Uncensored" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) (episode # 2.2) 18 February 2004
"Top of the Pops" (1964) playing "Herself" 6 February 2004
"4Pop" (2003) playing "Herself" in episode: "Suomi-filmin parhaat mokat" (episode # 2.22) 1 February 2004
"All That" (1995) playing "Herself" (episode # 9.46) 24 January 2004
"Jimmy Kimmel Live" (2003) playing "Herself" 30 December 2003
"Celebrities Uncensored" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) (episode # 1.15) 26 November 2003
"60 Minutes" (1979) playing "Herself" 23 November 2003
"Total Request Live" (1998) playing "Herself" 18 November 2003
"Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The" (1992) playing "Herself" 17 November 2003
"Popworld" (2001) playing "Herself" 16 November 2003
"Boogie" (2002) playing "Herself" 5 November 2003
"Saturday Night Live" (1975) playing "Musical Guest" (episode # 29.3) 18 October 2003
"Total Request Live" (1998) playing "Herself" 11 October 2003
"Extra" (1994) playing "Herself" 10 October 2003
"Celebrities Uncensored" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) (episode # 1.10) 24 September 2003
"It's Good to Be" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) in episode: "It's Good to Be Britney Spears" (episode # 1.5) 14 September 2003
"Celebrities Uncensored" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) (episode # 1.8) 27 August 2003
"Punk'd" (2003) playing "Herself" (episode # 1.8) 5 May 2003
"Saturday Night Live" (1975) playing "Herself" (uncredited) (episode # 28.13) 22 February 2003
"Love Chain" (2003) playing "Herself" (archive footage) in episode: "Britney and Justin" (episode # 1.1) 2003
"Leute heute" (1997) playing "Herself" 2 October 2002
"Access Hollywood" (1996) playing "Herself" 5 August 2002
"Otro rollo con: Adal Ramones" (1997) playing "Herself" 23 July 2002
"Revealed with Jules Asner" (2001) playing "Herself" (uncredited) in episode: "Alyssa Milano" (episode # 1.24) 1 July 2002
"Wetten, dass..?" (1981) playing "Herself" in episode: "Wetten, dass..? aus München" (episode # 1.135) 23 March 2002
"All That" (1995) playing "Herself" 9 February 2002
"Nick Cannon Show, The" (2002) playing "Herself" in episode: "Nick Takes Over Music" (episode # 1.5) 9 February 2002
"Oprah Winfrey Show, The" (1986) playing "Herself" 4 February 2002
"Saturday Night Live" (1975) playing "Host/Musical Guest" (episode # 27.12) 2 February 2002
"Frank Skinner Show, The" (1995) playing "Herself" (episode # 5.12) 26 January 2002
"Saturday Show, The" (2001) playing "Herself" 26 January 2002
"CD:UK" (1998) playing "Herself" 19 January 2002
"Top of the Pops" (1964) playing "Herself" 18 January 2002
"Top of the Pops 2" (1994) playing "Herself" 16 January 2002
"Boulevard Bio" (1991) playing "Herself" in episode: "Niemand ist perfekt" 15 January 2002
"Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The" (1992) playing "Herself" 11 October 2001
"Making the Video" (1999) playing "Herself" in episode: "I'm a Slave 4 U" (episode # 7.1) 24 September 2001
"Walk On By: The Story of Popular Song" (2001) playing "Herself" (archive footage) in episode: "Pure Pop" (episode # 1.8) 5 May 2001
"All That" (1995) playing "Musical Guest" (episode # 6.6) 20 May 2000
"House of Hits, The" (2000) playing "Herself" 13 May 2000
"Russell Gilbert Live" (2000) playing "Herself" (episode # 1.6) 13 May 2000
"Saturday Night Live" (1975) playing "Host/Musical Guest" (episode # 25.19) 13 May 2000
"Making the Video" (1999) playing "Herself" in episode: "Oops...I Did It Again" (episode # 2.13) 10 April 2000
"Simpsons, The" (1989) playing "Herself" (voice) in episode: "The Mansion Family" (episode # 11.12) 23 January 2000
"Priory, The" (1999) playing "Herself" (episode # 1.5) 7 December 1999
"Famous Jett Jackson, The" (1998) playing "Herself" in episode: "Ghost Dance" (episode # 2.8) 30 November 1999
"Kenan & Kel" (1996) playing "Herself" in episode: "Aww, Here It Goes to Hollywood: Part 2" (episode # 4.9) 25 September 1999
"Sabrina, the Teenage Witch" (1996) playing "Herself" in episode: "No Place Like Home" (episode # 4.1) 24 September 1999
"Making the Video" (1999) playing "Herself" in episode: "(You Drive Me) Crazy" (episode # 1.2) 18 July 1999
"All That" (1995) playing "Herself" in episode: "All That Live" 6 March 1999



-Best International video (Mejor Video Internaconal) ( I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman)

-First Lady Award (Pimera Mujer Award)


-Best international female artist

-Best female artist
-Female Hottie

Neil Bogart Memorial Fund’s
-Children’s Choice Award

-Chica Barbie

-Best Dressed Female
-Best Female artist

-Best direction (Live From Las Vegas)
-Best special television (Saturday Night Live)


-Best Female

-World's best-selling Pop Female Artist
-World's best-selling Dance Female Artist

-Best Bellybutton Appearance

-Artista Femenina Favorita

-Artist of the year

-Favorite Female Artist

-Female Artist

-Mejor tatuaje
-Mejor piercing

-Best Female


-Album Artist of 2000
-World-Record Breaker Of 2000 For "Oops!... I Did It Again"

-Best Female Artist

-Best Newcomer
-Best Female Artist

-Best International Artist

-Best Foreign Female
-Best Newcomer

-World's best-selling Pop Female Artist

-Best Dressed Female
-Best Female
-Best Female Haircut
-Best Dancer In Pop Music
-Most Fanciable Female

-Best New Artist

-Best Female
-Female "Hottie"

-Best International Female Solo Artist


-Best Song (Mejor Cancion) ("...Baby One More Time")
-Best Pop Act (Mejor Acto Pop)
-Best Female Solo Artist (Mejor Artista Femenino)
-Best Breakthrough Act

-Entertainer Of The Year (Artista del Año)
-Female Artist of the Year (Artista Femenino del Año)
-Female Hot 100 Artist of 1999 (Mejor Artista Femenino Hot 100 de 1999)
-Album Artist of 1999 (Album de Artista de 1999)
-New Artist of 1999 (Mejor Artista Nuevo de 1999)

-Best International Female (Mejor Artista Internacional Femenino)

-Best International Artist (Mejor Artista Femenino Internacional)

-Best Female (Mejor Artista Femenino)

-Best International New Artist (Mejor Artista Nuevo Internacional)

-Best New Artist(Mejor Artita Nuevo)

-Best female Artist (Mejor Artista Femenino)
-New Artist of 1999(Mejor Artista de 1999)

-Best Dressed Female (Mejor Vestimenta Femenino)
-Best Female (Mejor Artista Femenino)
-Best Female Haircut (Mejor Peinado Femenino)
-Best Dancer In Pop Music (Mejor Bailarina de Musica Pop)
-Most Fanciable Female (Mejor Artista Femenino)

-Best New Artist(Mejor Artista Nuevo)

-Best Female (Mejor Artista Femenina)

-Best New Artist (Mejor Artista Nuevo)

-Best Clip(Mejor Clip): ...Baby One More Time

-Most Liked Artist of 1999 (Mejor Artista de 1999)

-Best International Female Artist (Mejor Artista Femenina Internacional)

-Best Song (Mejor Cancion) - "...Baby One More Time"

Gira Detenida: Outrageous

Britney Spears no podrá dar comienzo a su gira por Norteamérica, ya que tiene que ser intervenida quirúrgicamente de una de sus rodillas. La razón es la lesión que sufrió el pasado día 9 en Nueva York, mientras se encontraba rodando el videoclip de Outrageous, su nuevo sencillo.

Este accidente ha motivado que el tour que estaba a punto de comenzar, extendiéndose hasta el mes de agosto por territorio norteamericano, haya tenido que ser cancelada sin especificarse por el momento, cuando podría hablarse de nuevas fechas.

Britney Spears tendrá que descansar durante seis semanas y llevar el pie en suspenso, antes de comenzar una rehabilitación que durará más de dos meses. No es la primera vez que la artista tiene problemas con su rodilla, ya que a principios de año tuvo también que cancelar algunas actuaciones por un problema similar.

Este es el comunicado que aparace en la pagina oficial de Britney Spears, anunciando la cancelacion de su gira por EEUU.

Nuevo Disco!!!!!!

Un Nuevo trabajo de la cantante que reune todos y cada uno de los mejores hits durantee su carrera. La fecha de lanzamiento sera el 9 de Noviembre y se titulara: "BRITNEY SPEARS GREATEST HITS: MY PREROGATIVE". La discografica Jive Records (como siempre) se encargo del album, que contendra las siguientes canciones:

1. My Prerogative
2. Toxic
3. I'm a Slave 4 U
4. Oops! ... I Did It Again
5. Me Against the Music
6. Stronger
7. Everytime
8. ... Baby One More Time
9. (You Drive Me) Crazy (The Stop Remix)
10. Boys
11. Sometimes
12. Overprotected (The Darkchild Remix)
13. Lucky
14. Outrageous
15. I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet a Woman
16. I've Just Begun (Having My Fun)
17. Do Somethin'
A continuacion te opfrecemos las letras de las canciones que no se encuantran es nuestro blog(las demas las encontraras en nuestra seccion ; Discografia):

My prerogative
People can take everything away from you
But they can never take away your truth
But the question is, can you handle mine?

They say I'm crazy
I really don't care
That's my prerogative
They say I'm nasty
But I don't give a damn
Getting boys is how I live
Some messy questions
Why am I so real?
But they don't understand me
I really don't know the deal about my sister
Trying hard to make it right
Not long ago
Before I won this fight

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission
Make my own decisions
That's my prerogative
That's my prerogative
(It's my prerogative)

It's the way that I wanna live
(It's my prerogative)
You can tell me what to do

Don't get me wrong
I'm really not souped
Ego trips is not my thing
All these strange relationships really gets me down
I see nothing wrong in spreading myself around

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission
Make my own decisions (oh)
That's my prerogative
That's my prerogative

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission
Make my own decisions (oh)
That's my prerogative
That's my prerogative
(It's my prerogative)

It's the way that I wanna live
(It's my prerogative)
You can tell me what to do

I can do what I wanna do (it's my prerogative)
I can live my life (it's my prerogative)
And I'm doing it just for you (it's my prerogative)

Why can't I live my life
Without all of the things
That people say, oh (oh)

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission
Make my own decisions (oh)
That's my prerogative

They say I'm crazy

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
They say I'm nasty
I don't need permission
Make my own decisions (oh)
That's my prerogative
(That's my prerogative)

Hush, just stop
There’s nothing you can do or say, baby
I’ve had enough
I’m not your property as from today, baby
You might think that I won't make it on my own
But now I’m…

Stronger than yesterday
Now it’s nothing but my way
My lonliness ain’t killing me no more
I’m stronger

That I ever thought that I could be, baby
I used to go with the flow
Didn’t really care ‘bout me
You might think that I can’t take it, but you’re wrong
‘Cause now I’m…

Stronger than yesterday
Now it’s nothing but my way
My lonliness ain’t killing me no more
I’m stronger

Come on, now
Oh, yeah

Here I go, on my own
I don’t need nobody, better off alone
Here I go, on my own now
I don’t need nobody, not anybody
Here I go, alright, here I go

Stronger than yesterday
Now it’s nothing but my way
My lonliness ain’t killing me no more
I’m stronger

(You Drive Me) Crazy (The Stop Remix)
Baby, I'm so into you
You've got that something what can I do?
Baby, you spin me around, ...oh
The earth is movin, but I can't feel the ground
Every time you look at me
My heart is jumpin', it's easy to see

You drive me crazy
I just can't sleep
I'm so excited, I'm in too deep
Ohh, Ohh, Ohh... Crazy, but it feels all right
Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night
Oh, Oh, Oh..

Tell me you're so into me
That I'm the only one you will see
Tell me I'm not in the blue, ...oh
That I'm not wastin'
My feelins on you
lovin' you means so much more
More than anything I've ever felt before

You drive me crazy
I just can't sleep
I'm so excited, I'm in too deep
Ohh, Ohh, Ohh... Crazy, but it feels all right
Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night

Crazy, I just can't sleep. I'm so excited I'm into deep.
Crazy, but it feels all right. Every day and every night.

You drive me crazy
(You drive me crazy, baby)
I'm so excited, I'm in too deep
Ohh, Ohh...
(You make me feel all right)
Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night

You drive me crazy
(You drive me crazy, baby)
yeah yeah yeah
oh oh oh...
but it feels all right
Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night

Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night

For whatever reason
I feel like I've been wanting you all my life
You don't understand
I'm so glad we're at the same place at the same time
Its over now

I Spotted You Dancin'
You made all the girls stare
Those lips and your brown eyes
And your sexy hair
I shake-shake my thing
I make the world want you
Tell your boys you'll be back
I wanna see what you can do. (Uh)

What would it take for you to just leave with me (uh uh)
Not trying to sound conceited but me and you were meant to be (yeah yeah)
You're a sexy guy, I'm a nice girl (don´t you know?)
Lets turn this dance floor into our own little nasty world (Yeah..)

(Boys) Sometimes a girl just needs one (Oh you know I need you)
(Boys) To love her and to hold (I just want you to touch me)
(Boys) And when a girl is with one (mm mm)
(Boys) Then she's in control (Yeah)

Get your boy off the dance floor
Screamin' in his ear
Must have said something about me (What'd you say?)
Cause he's looking over here (ooh...)
You're looking at me, with a sexy attitude
But the way that boys is moving it (Uh)
It puts me in the mood (ow!)

What would it take for you to just leave with me
Not tryin to sound concieted but me and you were meant to be
Your a sexy guy, I'm a nice girl
Lets turn this dance floor into our own little nasty world


Tonight, Lets fly, Boy Have No Fear
There's No Time To Lose
And Next Week You May Not See Me Here,
So Boy Just Make Your Move


Come with me
Let's fly into the night
Boy, tonight is ours (its just me and you baby)
Keep loving me
Make sure you hold me tight
Let’s head for the stars (Get nasty)


Can't live with 'em, can't live with out 'em!

You tell me you're in love with me
Like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me
It's not that I don't wanna stay
But everytime you come too close I move away
I wanna believe in everything that you say
A'Cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me you just have to know

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time

I don't wanna be so shy, uh-uh
Everytime that I'm alone I wonder why
Hope that you will wait for me
You'll see that, you're the only one for me
I wanna believe in everything that you say
Ah 'cause it sounds so good
But if you really want me, move slow
There's things about me, you just have to know

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
All I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Baby all I need is time

Just hang around and you'll see
There's no where I'd rather be
If you love me, trust in me
The way that I trust in you

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night
Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night

All I really want is to hold you tight
Be with you day and night

Sometimes I run
times I hide
Sometimes I'm scared of you
But all I really want is to hold you tight
Treat you right, be with you day and night(fade out)

Overprotected (The Darkchild Remix)
I need time, (time)
love, (love)
Joy (joy)
I need space
I need me


Say hello to the girl that I am
You're gonna have to see through my perspective
I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am
And I don't wanna be so damn protected
There must be another way
Cause I believe in taking chances
But who am I to say
What a girl is to do
God, I need some answers

What am I to do with my life
(You will find it out don't worry)
How am I supposed to know what's right
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected

I tell them what I like
What I won't
What I don't
But every time I do, I stand corrected
Things that I've been told
I can't believe what I hear about the world, I realize
I'm Overprotected

There must be another way
Cause I believe in taking chances
But who am I to say
What a girl is to do
God, I need some answers

What am I to do to with my life
(You will find it out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected

I need, time (love)
I need, space
(This is it)

I don't need nobody
Tellin; me just what I wanna
What I what what what I'm gonna (I need)
Do about my destiny
I Say no, no
Nobody's telling me just what I wanna do, do
I'm so fed up with people telling me to be
Someone else but me

What am I to do with my life
Yeah, yeah
(You will find it out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected

I don't need nobody
Tellin me just what I wanna
What I what what what I'm gonna
Do about my destiny
I Say no, no
Nobody tell me just what I wanna do, do
I'm so fed up with people tellin' me to be
Someone else but me

What am I to do with my life
(You will find it out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected.

This is a story about a girl named Lucky...

Early morning, she wakes up with a
Knock, knock, knock on the door
It's time for makeup, perfect smile
It's you they're all waiting for
They go...
Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?
And they say...

She's so lucky, she's a star
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking
If there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at night?

Lost in an image, in a dream
But there's no one there to wake her up
And the world is spinning, and
she keeps on winning
But tell me what happens when it stops?
They go...

Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?
And they say...

She's so lucky, she's a star
But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart thinkin
If there's nothing missing in my life
Then why do these tears come at night

Best actress, and the winner is...Lucky!'
I'm Roger Johnson from Pop News standing outside
the arena waiting for Lucky!
Oh, my she comes!
(here she comes, here shes comes)

Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl?
She is so lucky, but why does she cry?
If there is nothing missing in her life then
why do tears come at night?


And they say!! she's so lucky shes a star
But she cry cry cries
In her lonely heart thinking
If there's nothing(nothing)
Missing in my life!
then why do these tears come at night!

she so lucky
but she cry cry cries
in her lonely heart thinking
if there's nothing
missing in my life
then why do these tears come at night!

Letras de Canciones: In The Zone

"(I Got That) Boom Boom"
This is for all those southern boys out there


I see you looking my way and I know that
You have something to say
Watching every inch of my body
Like you wanted to play

Boom boom
Boy, you look so sexy
Boom boom
Boy, you look so sexy
I begin to dance just a little bit
To turn you on
Yeah, I got that

I got that boom boom
That you want
What you need all night long
Hurry up before it’s gone
I got that boom boom
That you want
I don’t think you should wait
One minute might be too late


You have got caught by my eye
And I wanted to get to know you
Don’t be shy
I want you to come closer
So what you gonna do

Boom boom
Boy, you look so sexy
Boom boom
Boy, you look so sexy

I got that boom boom
That you want
What you need all night long
Hurry up before it’s gone
I got that boom boom
That you want
I don’t think you should wait
One minute might be too late

She think she fine
Fine enough to blow your mind
She think she bad
Get on the floor and shake that ass
She think she fine
Fine enough to blow your mind
She think she bad
Get on the floor and shake that ass

Shorty, get on the floor and shake that ass for me
Shorty, get on the floor and shake that ass for me

She naked
She soaking wet
Strip tease like a mmm
Drip, sweat
She got a little body that I can’t forget
I ain’t met a young lady that outdid her yet
Britney Spears and the Ying Yang Twins
Wazup, ha
We all became friends
Might as well let the party begin
If you’re ready then jump on in

She think she fine
Fine enough to blow your mind
She think she bad
Get on the floor and shake that ass
She think she fine
Fine enough to blow your mind
She think she bad
Get on the floor and shake that ass

I got that boom boom
That you want
What you need all night long
Hurry up before it’s gone
I got that boom boom
That you want
I don’t think you should wait
One minute might be too late

Boom boom
Boy, you look so sexy
Damn, you’re so sexy
Boom boom
Boy, you look so sexy
Boom boom
Boy, you look so sexy
Damn, you’re turning me on
Boom boom
Boy, you look so sexy
Yeah, yeah

Sometimes I just love to have that out
Just something a girl’s gotta do, oh

Never thought I’d see you like this
You lookin’ good when you’re half dressed
Just let me give you one last test
Is that a sin, no
Am I too hot for you though
Did you check out my video
There’s some things you don’t do
Like this

I’ll take you to spend in my way
Just give in when you are ready to play
Uh, like this

Here comes the showdown
What goes around comes around
And the crowds are waiting, oh
‘Cause if we break up
Then we can make up
Shake my booty all night
Here comes the showdown, oh

I don’t really wanna be a tease
Would you undo my zipper, please
Uh uh, please don’t talk
I’ll let you touch me if you want
I see your body rise, rise
And when you come, don’t get too hot

I’ll take you to spend in my way
Just give in when you are ready to play
Like this

Here comes the showdown
What goes around comes around
And the crowds are waiting, oh
‘Cause if we break up
Then we can make up
Shake my booty all night
Here comes the showdown, oh

Look at the tension
When we fight
You make it up
Turn down the light
It’s just a lover’s game we play, yeah
After the screaming’s at an end
Why don’t we all do it again
That’s when the fun really begins
Oh, whoa

Here comes the showdown
What goes around comes around
And the crowds are waiting, oh
‘Cause if we break up
Then we can make up
Shake my booty all night


Here comes the showdown
Here comes the showdown, oh
What goes around comes around
The crowds are waiting, oh

Here comes the showdown, oh

"Breathe On Me"
It's so hot in here

Oh, it's so hot and I need some air
And boy, don't stop cause I'm halfway there

It's not complicated
We're too syncopated
We can read each other's minds
One love invited, two bodies sychronizin'
Don't even need to touch me, baby

Breathe on me
Yeah, oh baby, just
Breathe on me
We don't need to touch just

Oh, this is way beyond the physical
Tonight, my senses don't make sense at all

Our imagination takin' us to places
We have never been before
Take me in, let it out
Don't even need to touch me, baby

Breathe on me
Yeah, oh baby, just
Breathe on me
We don't need to touch just
Breathe on me
Oh baby, just
Breathe on me
We don't need to touch just

Monogamy ain't just a way to go
Just put your lips together
And blow

Breathe on me
Oh baby, just
Breathe on me
We don't need to touch just
Breathe on me
Oh baby, just
Breathe on me
We don't need to touch just

"Early Mourning"
Early mornin’
I was out real late last night
Got a little messy
Early morning
Can’t be like that anymore

I was shaking my ass in the streets _______
Just walked in and it’s early morning
Got drunk till the break of dawning
It don’t stop till the early morning
Passed out on the couch alone
Just walked in and it’s early morning
Got drunk till the break of dawning
It don’t stop till the early morning

Wanna talk to come _______
When he walked up I only grabbed him
But I liked him to come here
Kinda cool
Baby, we can make plans
Where ya live
Do ya mama live there
We can hook up at the hotel
Hands down
I told him, let’s go
But have a next guess
But you don’t wanna know

I was shaking my ass in the streets _______
Just walked in and it’s early morning
Got drunk till the break of dawning
It don’t stop till the early morning
Passed out on the couch alone
Just walked in and it’s early morning
Got drunk till the break of dawning
It don’t stop till the early morning

Oh, in love
So I approached him
We gotta give him his friends
There’s something ‘bout him that shows
So I said, what the hell
Let’s go
Got up
Got on the dance floor
Hooked up with a guy named Joe
When the music was fast and slow
But have a next guess
But you don’t wanna know

I was shaking my ass in the streets _______
Just walked in and it’s early morning
Got drunk till the break of dawning
It don’t stop till the early morning
Passed out on the couch alone
Just walked in and it’s early morning
Got drunk till the break of dawning
It don’t stop till the early morning

Call all your boys
Call all your girls
Call all your friends
Let’s do it again
Let’s do it again

Early morning
Can’t keep doin’ this

I light your fire
Your one desire
Pull on me, baby
And I’ll take you higher
You should try her
So come over here and let’s go so

I was shaking my ass in the streets _______
Just walked in and it’s early morning
Got drunk till the break of dawning
It don’t stop till the early morning
Passed out on the couch alone
Just walked in and it’s early morning
Got drunk till the break of dawning
It don’t stop till the early morning

Call all your boys
Call all your girls
Call all your friends
Let’s do it again
Let’s do it

Early mornin’
Early mornin’

Baby, can't you see
I'm calling
A guy like you should wear a warning
It's dangerous
I'm falling

There's no escape
I can't wait
I need a hit
Baby, give me it
You're dangerous
I'm loving it

Can't calm down
Losin' my head
Spinnin' 'round and 'round
Do you feel me now?

With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
With the taste of the poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that your toxic?
And I love what you do
Don't you know that your toxic?

It's getting late to give you up
I took a sip from a devil's cup
Slowly, It's taking over me

Can't calm down
It's in the air and it's all around
Can you feel me now?

With the taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
Your toxic tongue slippin' mine (Ohh Ohh)
With the taste of the poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that your toxic?
And I love what you do
Don't you know that your toxic?

Intoxicated now
With your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now
Intoxicated now
With your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now

Sexy as I wanna be
Got these fellas chasing me
It's about time I hit the streets
All my girls still feeling me
B girl ain't lost the beat
Jumped over drama and I landed on my feet
Gotta keep going
No stopping me
And if you don't like it then

We are over here
Gotta feelin like a world premiere
Trenchcoat and my underwear
Let's go with this freak show

When I move my body

When I'm at a party

In my sexy jeans

When on the scene

My sex drive

My shopping spree

We on a world tour

Just being a girl


I'm about to bring the heat
Locking down the industry
All dressed up glamarous
Red carperet and cameras
Take trips around the globe
so nobody knows
So hot that your coming out your clothes
I'm about to give it to ya

We are over here
Gotta feelin like a world premiere
Trenchcoat and my underwear
Let's go with this freak show

When I move my body

When I'm at a party

In my sexy jeans

When on the scene

My sex drive

My shopping spree

We on a world tour

Just being a girl

I just wanna be happy
In a place where life is free
Can you take me there somebody?
And when you mention my name
Make you sure know the truth
Until I'm about to keep it forever

"Touch Of My Hand"
Im not ashamed of the things that I dream
I found myself flirting with the verge of obseen
To the unknown I will be bold
Im going to the places I can be out of control

If you dont want to explain tonight
All the things ive dreamt to hide
I shoot myself Ive found a world tonight
Cant talk about it I will teach myself to fly
(I love myself its not a sin I cant control whats happening)

Coz I just discovered
Imagination taking over
Another day without a lover
The more I come to understand
The touch of my hand

The swell of my back
That I should not feel
Lately after modest and more beautiful than me
The mole in my skin and im not going away
And then to myself im the most precious way



"The Hook Up"
_______ wanna hook up
But she don't wanna hook up
Told her, just go
And then she looked and said she wanna hook up
I really wanna hook up
Told her, let's go

Baby, I can't believe everything
Your body makes me wanna do
And the way that you move on the floor
Now I think I'm in love with you
Grab my waist
Wanna get with the rhythm and that move you do
Switch my hips on the floor
Take it slow so I can keep up with you

Back it up now
On our own now
Grab my waist now
Work it over
Grab my shoulder
Thinkin' of ya
Take it lower
To the floor

Hook up, baby
We can drop a little somethin'
Ride it, baby
We can do a little somethin'
You know, baby
Let's hook up a little somethin'

Baby, I can't believe everything
That I feel when I dance with you
Feel the small of my back to the breath on my neck
To the move you do
Put your body
Gotta get my body up right next to you
Move the party
Gotta rock the party until they're over you

Back it up now
On our own now
Grab my waist now
Work it over
Grab my shoulder
Thinkin' of ya
Take it lower
To the floor

Boy, I can't explain
What you do to me
My whole world has changed
I live in a fantasy
Tonight, I'm in the mood
Please take me by your hand
I wanna get in your groove
So, baby, take me there

Don't stop
Just get, get on the floor
Butt drops
Hips pop, poppin' for sure
Who's got, got it
Get it some more
One time, two times, three times we go

Back it up now
On our own now
Grab my waist now
Work it over
Grab my shoulder
Thinkin' of ya
Take it lower
To the floor

Back it up now
On our own now
Grab my waist now
Work it over
Grab my shoulder
Thinkin' of ya
Take it lower
To the floor

Hook up, baby
We can drop a little somethin'
Ride it, baby
We can do a little somethin'
You know, baby
Let's hook up a little somethin'

Back it up now
On our own now
Grab my waist now
Work it over
Grab my shoulder
Thinkin' of ya
Take it lower
To the floor

Your body’s warm
But you are not
You give a little
Not a lot
You coup your love
Until we kiss
You’re all I want
But not like this
I’m watching you disappear
But you, you were never here

It’s only your shadow
Never yourself
It’s only your shadow
Nobody else
It’s only your shadow
Filling the room
Arriving too late
And leaving too soon
And leaving too soon

Your body gives
But then holds back
The sun is bright
The sky is black
Can only be another sign
I cannot keep what isn’t mine
You left and it lingers on
But you, you were almost gone

It’s only your shadow
Never yourself
It’s only your shadow
Nobody else
It’s only your shadow
Filling the room
Arriving too late
And leaving too soon
And leaving too soon

I cannot tell if you mean what you say
You say it so loud, but you sound far away
Maybe I had just a glimpse of your soul
Or was that your shadow I saw on the wall
I’m watching you disappear
But you, you were never here

It’s only your shadow
Never yourself
It’s only your shadow
Nobody else
It’s only your shadow
Filling the room
Arriving too late
No, no, no
It’s only your shadow
It’s only your shadow
Nobody else
It’s only your shadow
Arriving too late
And leaving too soon

It’s only your shadow

"Brave New Girl"
She’s gonna pack her bags
She’s gonna find her way
She’s gonna get right out of this
She don’t want New York
She don’t want L.A.
She’s gonna find that special kiss
She don’t want no sleep
She don’t want no high
Oh, like peaches n’ cream
She’s gonna wish on stars and touch the sky
Oh, you know what I mean

She wants a good time
No need to rewind
She needs to really really find what she wants
She lands on both feet
Won’t take a back seat
There’s a brave new girl
And she’s coming out tonight

She’s gonna step outside
Uncover her eyes
Who knew she could feel so alive
Her MO’s changed
She don’t wanna behave
Ain’t it good to be a brave girl tonight

Tonight, it’s alright
A brave girl tonight

So she met this man
He was kinda rough
He said, girl, whatcha lookin’ for
She said, I don’t know
I go with the flow
He said, let’s get on the floor
He said, you look real cute with your low ride jeans
And your pink little baby tee
Let’s get a room, girl
Come and ride with me

She wants a good time
No need to rewind
She needs to really really find what she wants
She lands on both feet
Won’t take a back seat
There’s a brave new girl
And she’s coming out tonight

Repeat Chorus

Tonight, it’s alright
A brave girl tonight
Tonight, it’s alright
A brave new girl tonight

Repeat Chorus

Tonight it’s alright
A brave girl tonight
Tonight, it’s alright
A brave girl tonight
A brave girl tonight
A brave girl tonight

"Every Time"
You notice me
And take my hand
So why are we
In strangers' land
And love is strong
Why carry on without me

And every time I try to fly I fall
Without my wings I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you baby, oh

I make believe that you are here
Is the only way that I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy

And every time I try to fly I fall
Without my wings I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you baby

I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And the sun smiles on me

Oh, at night I pray
That soon you'll face will fade away

And every time I try to fly I fall
Without my wings I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you baby

After all

"Me Against The Music"
All my people in the crowd
Grab a partner take it down!

B: It's me against the music
M: Uh uh
B: It's just me
M: And me
B: Yeah
M: C'mon
M: Hey Britney?
B: Are you ready?
M: Uh uh, are you?

B&M: No one cares
B: It's whippin' my hair, it's pullin' my waist
B&M: To hell with stares
B: The sweat is drippin' all over my face
B&M: No one's there
B: I'm the only one dancin' up in this place
B&M: Tonight I'm here
B: Feel the beat of the drum, gotta get with that bass
B: I'm up against the speaker, tryin' to take on the music
B: It's like a competition, me against the beat
B: I wanna get in a zone, I wanna get in a zone
B: If you really wanna battle, saddle up and get your rhythm
B: Tryin' to hit it, chic-a-taa
B: In a minute I'm a take a you on, I'm a take a you on
Hey, hey, hey


B&M: All my people on the floor
B: Let me see you dance
M: Let me see ya
B&M: All my people wantin´ more
B: Let me see you dance
M: I wanna see ya
B&M: All my people round and round
B: Let me see you dance
M: Let me see ya
B&M: All my people in the crowd
B: Let me see you dance
M: I wanna see ya
B&M: So how would you like a friendly competition
B&M: Let's take on the song
B&M: It's you and me baby, we're the music
B&M: Time to party all night long

B&M: We're almost there
B: I'm feelin' it bad and I can't explain
B&M: My soul is bare
B: My hips are movin' at a rapid pace
B&M: Baby feel it burn
B: From the tip of my toes, runnin' through my veins
B&M: And now's your turn
B: Let me see what you got, don't hesitate
B: I'm up against the speaker, tryin´ to take on the music
B: It's like a competition, me against the beat
B: I wanna get in a zone, I wanna get in a zone
B: If you really wanna battle, saddle up and get your rhythm
B: Tryin´ to hit it, chic-a-taa
B: In a minute I'm a take a you on, I'm a take a you on
Hey, hey, hey

CHORUS – as before

B&M: Get on the floor, baby lose control
B&M: Just work your body and let it go
B&M: If you wanna party, just grab somebody
M: Hey Britney
B&M: We can dance all night long

M: Hey Britney, you say you wanna lose control
M: Come over here I got somethin´ to show ya
M: Sexy lady, I'd rather see you bare your soul
M: If you think you're so hot, better show me what you got
M: All my people in the crowd, let me see you dance
M: C'mon Britney lose control, watch you take it down

B&M: Get on the floor, baby lose control
B&M: Just work your body and let it go
B&M: If you wanna party, just grab somebody
M: Hey Britney
B&M: We can dance all night long

CHORUS – as before

M: All my people in the crowd, let me see you dance
M: C'mon Britney take it down, make the music dance
M: All my people round and round, party all night long
M: C'mon Britney lose control, watch you take it down

The Answer
Yeah, I've been waiting for you
So patiently
And now you're here
You're my answer
I think you're my answer
Here I go (Let's go)

It's called the answer
All this time I try to find you
I've been learning (I've been yearning inside)
What the answer to the question that's been burning
(I've been burning inside)
When they ask me who I love
You're the answer (You're my answer)
You're my answer

Patiently I waited for this day to finally come
Know suddenly somehow I would find the special one
Someone I knew was you (I knew it was you)
(Talk to me)

Who could hold me tight
Keep me warm through the night
Who can wipe my tears
When it's wrong, make it right
Who can give me love, 'til I'm satisfied
Who's the one I need in my life*


-I'm slave 4 U
I know I may be young, but I’ve got feelings too.
And I need to do what I feel like doing.
So let me go and just listen.

All you people look at me like I’m a little girl.
Well did you ever think it be okay for me to step into this world.

Always saying little girl don’t step into the club.
Well I’m just tryin’ to find out why cause dancing’s what I love.

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)(Do you like it)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)(This feels good)

I know I may come off quiet, I may come off shy.
But I feel like talking, feel like dancing when I see this guy.

What’s practical is logical. What the hell, who cares?
All I know is I’m so happy when you’re dancing there.

I’m a slave for you. I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I’m a slave for you. I won’t deny it; I’m not trying to hide it.

Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(I just wanna dance next to you)
To another time and place.
Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(Are you ready)
Leaving behind my name, my age.
(Lets go)

(Like that)
(You like it)
(Now watch me)

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)

I really wanna dance, tonight with you.
(I just can’t help myself)
I really wanna do what you want me to.
(I just feel I let myself go)

I really wanna dance, tonight with you.
(Wanna see you move)
I really wanna do what you want me to.
(Uh Uh Uh)

Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(I just wanna dance next to you)
To another time and place.
Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(Are you ready)
Leaving behind my name, my age.

I’m a slave for you. (Take that) I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I’m a slave (It just feels right) for you. (It just feels good)
I won’t deny it; I’m not trying to hide it. (Baby)

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)

I’m a slave for you. (Here we go now)
I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I’m a slave for you. (Here we go) I won’t deny it, (Yeah)
I’m not trying to hide it.


Oops!...I Did It Again
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I think I did it again
I made you believe we're more than just friends
Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn't mean that I'm serious
'Cause to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Oh baby, baby

Oops!...I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...You think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent
You see my problem is this
I'm dreaming away
Wishing that heroes, they truly exist
I cry, watching the days
Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways
But to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Baby, oh

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
All aboard"
"Britney, before you go, there's something I want you to have"
"Oh, it's beautiful, but wait a minute, isn't this...?"
"Yeah, yes it is"
"But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end"
"Well baby, I went down and got it for you"
"Oh, you shouldn't have"
Oops!...I did it again to your heart
Got lost in this game, oh baby
Oops!...You think that I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent
I'm dreaming of one kiss from you
A love long and true
We'll go on and on and
I don't wanna hear that I'm too young
To know it's love that makes me feel this way
'Cause I don't have to feel the heat of the sun
To know it's shining on me every day
When it's warm outside
And the look in your eyes
Is longing to show me the way
I don't want to wait

Just one kiss from you, and suddenly
I see the road laid out in front of me
You give me strength, you give me hope
And when you hold me in your arms
You make me whole
And I don't know just what I would do
Without one kiss from you
I don't wanna hear my time will come
When it feels like it's already here
We should learn to walk before we run
But why go anywhere when you're so near
'Cause when I reach out to you
So sad and confused
And feeling like I could cry
You dry my eyes

I'm dreaming of one kiss from you
A love long and true
We'll go on and on and
I'm looking for one kiss goodnight
To last all my life
On and on and

I'm looking for one kiss goodnight
To last all my life


. . .Baby One More Time
How was I supposed to know
That something wasn't right here
Oh baby, baby
I shouldn't have let you go
And now you're out of sight, yeah
Show me how want it to be
Tell me baby 'cause I need to know now, oh because

My loneliness is killing me
I must confess I still believe
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time

Oh baby, baby
The reason I breathe is you
Boy you got me blinded
Oh pretty baby
There's nothing I wouldn't do
It's not the way I planned it
Show me how you want it to be
Tell me baby 'cause I need to know, oh because

Repeat Chorus

Oh baby, baby how was I supposed to know
Oh pretty baby, I shouldn't have let you go
I must confess, that my loneliness is killing me now
Don't you know I still believe
That you will be here
And give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time

Britney dejó de fumar?

Parece que Britney finalmente dejó su hábito de fumar. Durante toda su estancia en Kentwood, ni una sola vez fumó un cigarrillo. Fuentes dicen que es verdaderamente resistente para ella y que en estos momentos no está de buen humor.
Bueno....estubo muy bien que Brit se dio cuenta de que ese hábito no le venía muy bien para su salud, más ahora que se dice que parece estar embarazada! Asíque, Britney, Felicitaciones de nosotras y de todos los fans por este gran logro, FUERZAS!!!


Gracias a Mario Valentini por Su critica de nuestro Weblog!!!!!
Tambien agradecemos a "esclavos_x_britney" por mandarnos la info para actualizar nuestro blog y gracias a todos los que dejaron sus comentarios!!!Y para los que entren, dejen su comentario sobre los articulos que escribimos especialmente para ustedes!!!
Thanks You!!!!!
Pame: Saludos a Melu,Anis,Ileana y a todas las personas que nos acompañan y tambien al profe que realizo su comentario.Ademas quiero añadir que o solo faltamos las chicas sini tambien la gran mayoria de los varones.Gracias a todos.Saludos!!!!!
LuLy: Saludos a Melu, Anis, Ile, NoeZ, Antito, Glory, Nico, Fatu y a todos mis amigos (saben kienes son) tambien al profe Maval ke se banko ke faltemos al examen y bue!!! (eso si profe, no solo faltaron chikas eh??? tambien fueron varones)Bechos a todos (K)muaa!

Con sus Propias Palabras

Aqui les traemos lo ultimo que Britney escribio en su pagina oficial primero en ingles y mas abajo esta traducido:

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to let ya'll know that I am still working on my first posting for the website and I'm really excited about it! We are going to be putting 'Lynne's Corner' on hold soon- so that way I can talk to you directly.

I'm going to be doing updates about what's going on, things I'm currently working on and I was also thinking about starting a section that has my favorite things of the month. It'll include different restaurants I've found, movies, CD's, bands, clothing designers, stores, beauty, fashion, travel, different recipes - stuff like that. What do ya'll think?

Some of it will be posted on the fan club first, to give you guys the chance to read it before everyone else and then we'll put it up on the main site a little bit later. But, I still need a little more time to put the finishing touches on my first letter- so please be patient with me and I promise to have something ready to go up soon!


Hola a todos!

Solo queria que todos supieran que sigo trabajando en mi primera seccion para el website y estoy realmente emocionada. Vamos a poner la seccion "Lynne's corner" en espera pronto de manera que de ese modo pueda hablar con uds directamente.

Voy a hacer actualizaciones sobre lo que esta pasando, cosas en las que estoy trabajando y tambien estaba pensando sobre empezar una seccion que tenga mis cosas favoritas del mes. Incluira diferentes restaurantes que he encontrado, peliculas, Cd's, Bandas, disenadores de ropa, tiendas, belleza, moda, viajes, diferentes recetas, cosas como esas. Que es lo que piensan?

Alguna cosas seran puestas primero en el fan club, para darles la oporunidad de leerlas antes que todos y luego lo pondremos en el sitio principal un poco mas tarde.
Pero sigo necesitando mas tiempo para dar los ultimos toques a mi primera carta, por lo tanto sean pacientes conmigo y les prometo tenerles algo listo pronto.

Con amor.


Hemos realizado una encuasta global con el motivo de hacer saber a la gente que visita nuestro espacio, segun los fans de Britney Spears cual es su opinion:

Estos son los resultados finales:

PREGUNTA DE LA ENCUESTA: ¿Cuales son tus canciones favoritas del
nuevo album de Britney "In The Zone"?

- Me Against The Music, 23 votos, 12.43%
- (I Got That) Boom Boom, 13 votos, 7.03%
- Showdown, 7 votos, 3.78%
- Breathe On Me, 19 votos, 10.27%
- Early Morning, 7 votos, 3.78%
- Toxic, 28 votos, 15.14%
- Outrageous, 11 votos, 5.95%
- Touch Of My Hand, 12 votos, 6.49%
- The Hook Up, 11 votos, 5.95%
- Shadow, 9 votos, 4.86%
- Brave New Girl, 8 votos, 4.32%
- Everytime, 21 votos, 11.35%
- Me Against The Music (Rishi Rich's Desi Kulcha Remix), 10 votos,
- The Answer, 6 votos, 3.24%

Los resultados que se obtubieron fueron muy similares a los que esperabamos nosotras. Estamos contentas de haber hecho este debate que llego a resulatados, seguramente esperados por todos.
(no se elviden de dejar comentarios sobre este y los muchos articulos que tenemos en nuestra pagina, gracias)
Pamela Cuadrado y Lucia Rodriguez Gimenez

Otra encuasta pero mas interesante!!

La siguiente encuesta de esclavos_x_britney ha
concluido. Estos son los resultados finales:

PREGUNTA DE LA ENCUESTA: Con quien desearias que
este Britney (puedes marcar mas de una

- Con su coreografo, 3 votos, 2.50%
- Con el vocalista de alguna banda desconocida, 4 votos, 3.33%
- Con algun boxeador, 6 votos, 5.00%
- Con alguno de sus bailarines, 1 votos, 0.83%
- Con alguien con quien cause escandalo (mucho mayor que ella o
drogadicto o alcoholico,etc etc ), 9 votos, 7.50%
- Con alguna persona X que conoció en alguna fiesta y se enamoraron a
primera vista, 12 votos, 10.00%
- Con un stripper (o como se escriba) jaja, 8 votos, 6.67%
- Con Fred Durst, 2 votos, 1.67%
- Con Colin Farrell (o como se escriba, sorry), 5 votos, 4.17%
- Con Justin Timberlake, 21 votos, 17.50%
- Con Nick Carter, 9 votos, 7.50%
- Con algun amigo suyo de Louisiana, 14 votos, 11.67%
- Con algun rockero, 10 votos, 8.33%
- Con alguien que no tiene nada que ver con estas opciones, 16 votos,

Esta encuasta toma en cuenta mas el lado personal de Britney Spears en su intimidad y demuestra que mucha gente de sus fanaticos no querian que la cantante teome esta decision de casarse y sobre todo con esta persona como es Kevin.
(comenten lo que quieran sobre esta nota, que es mucho mas interesante que la anterior, garcias)
Pamela Cuadrado y Lcuia Rodriguez Gimenez


Si fue sorpresiva la reciente boda de Britney Spears, lo es todavía más el motivo: tiene dos meses de EMBARAZO.
Eso es lo que aseguran amigos y familiares cercanos de la Princesa del Pop, según reporta el dio británico "The Mail on Sunday".

Casada desde hace dos semanas con el bailarín Kevin Federline, la intérprete estadounidense espera su primer bebé y se siente extasiada ante su futuro papel de madre.

La pareja adelantó su boda, planeada originalmente para celebrarse en noviembre, porque Britney tiene un embarazo de ocho semanas, aseguraron.

Las fuentes indica al diario que Britney confirmó su embarazo sólo a familiares y a su círculo cercano de amigos. "Ella está extasiada, sólo supo que estaba esperando un bebé recientemente y tiene menos de ocho semanas, ésta es la razón por la cual adelantó su boda", citó la publicación.

Britney y Kevin se casaron hace dos fines de semana en Los Angeles, en medio de la polémica de si era o no un enlace legal. Federline, de 26 años, firmó un acuerdo prenupcial que le da 250 mil dólares anuales por cada año de matriio si él o Britney se arrepienten.


La cantante estadounidense Madonna ofreció a su amiga Britney Spears que pase varias semanas de luna de miel en la mansión que posee en Inglaterra, con su nuevo esposo, el bailarín Kevin Federline.
Según informó hoy la prensa local, la "reina del pop" llamó a Spears para felicitarla por la boda, y le ofreció que la pareja pase varias semanas en la mansión que posee Madonna en el condado de Wiltshire, sudoeste de Inglaterra.
Además, les prometió que les enseñaría todas las costumbres británicas del campo, incluida la caza del zorro, a cambio que le contaran todos los secretos de la boda en Los Angeles.
Tanto Madonna como su marido, el director británico Guy Ritchie, ofrecieron la mansión de 16 millones de dólares a Spears y Federline, "porque quieren ayudar a la pareja a evitar tanta intromisión de la prensa del corazón".
"Madonna está siempre atenta de lo que le ocurre a Britney. Ella está muy interesada en la carrera de la joven cantante y decidió junto a Guy que sería una buena idea invitarlos para unas vacaciones en Wiltshire a modo de regalo", declaró una fuente allegada a Madonna.
"Pasar varias semanas en la mansión de Madonna en Inglaterra era el mejor regalo de bodas para Britney, no es un presente que muchas personas reciban", agregó.
La cantante de 46 años envió de regalos de bodas a Spears un lujoso texto de la Cábala, la secta judía que sigue junto a su familia.


POR: Pamela Cuadrado y Lucia Rodriguez Gimenez

Kevin! Eso no se toca! (22/09/04)

Que Britney Spears ya sea la mujer de Kevin Federline no significa que el go-go tenga derecho a su fortuna. Y eso, porque finalmente la estrella pop entró en razón, aconsejada tanto por su familia como por su equipo legal, e hizo firmar al que poco después se convertiría en su marido un acuerdo prenupcial por el que Kevin no tenía potestad alguna sobre los 60 millones de libras que se calcula tiene Britney como fortuna.

“Estamos realmente enamorados”, ponía la entonces señorita Spears para no obligar a su novio a estampar su rúbrica en el documento. Cambió de opinión cuando le pusieron sobre el tapete el pasado amoroso de su prometido y que si se divorciaban tendría derecho a la mitad de sus ganancias.

“La hicimos entender que por muy enamorados que estuviesen nadie en Hollywood se casa en los últimos tiempos sin un acuerdo de ese tipo”, comentaban fuentes cercanas a Britney que añadieron que cuando lo habló con kevin “la idea le pareció bien”.
